Lucerne – 40 x 10-12kg* Wrapped bales per pallet.



Lucerne is a valuable source of energy and it can help keep your horse’s weight in check. Due to the level of proteins, it is very useful for feeding horses that are growing, horses in intense work, or mares used for breeding. The fibre found in Lucerne is a great source of the energy.

Lucerne may have anywhere from 16 to 20% protein, while grass hay may only have 4-12% protein, depending on the quality of the hay. In general, the protein in lucerne is in excess of the requirement of the horse, and grass hay or oat chaff may be just right or too low to meet the requirement.

Lucerne CAN be a beneficial addition to the diet of pregnant & lactating mares, growing horses, elderly horses with bad dentition (as hay or chaffage – not chaff) and horses not already on vegetative cool season grasses and clover.

*Weights are approximate and will inevitably vary.


Price on application – please call for further details.